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Question:i hate my hadwriting soooo badly, and want to know of a way i can change it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i hate my hadwriting soooo badly, and want to know of a way i can change it.

There's some teaching sites on the net, where you can print out some exercises.You can choose your style of handwriting.

Examine other peoples handwriting, and when you find one you like, try writing the same way verrry slowly. Know how you want to write each letter and just focus on one at a time. Its just something that takes practice and time.

How about checking if your local bookstore has any books on hand-writing. Make sure that you tell them you are wanting to change your hand writing, otherwise they could sell you a book on calligraphy which could help you but may not be what you wanted in the first place!

Change to left handed, or vice versa...see what it looks like.
