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Question:Is Kat a true shrew in the same way Katerina is in Shakespeare's play?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is Kat a true shrew in the same way Katerina is in Shakespeare's play?
I don't think she was a shrew. She was capable of love, she didn't want to be forced into anything she didn't want to do and had to keep looking until the right guy came along. He took the time to get to know her and pursued her by joining in on her interests. The shrew was tamed by tough love, not the same at all.
Seeing as how the movie is based on the play, I would say yes.
I think so
I don't even think Katerina in the play was. It was mostly society that wouldn't accept her as an outspoken woman.
I d k!!! I guess kat isn't a shrew in a way but in another was i think she sort of was!!!!!