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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Definition of catholic social issues and its major themes or areas.?

Question:Help! I'll give 10 points to the one who can answer completely. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Help! I'll give 10 points to the one who can answer completely. Thanks!
Ten Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
1. The Principle of Respect for Human Dignity
2. The Principle of Respect for Human Life
3. The Principle of Association
4. The Principle of Participation
5. The Principle of Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
6. The Principle of Solidarity
7. The Principle of Stewardship
8. The Principle of Subsidiarity
9. The Principle of Human Equality
10. The Principle of Common Good

I'm not doing any more of your homework for you :-)

That will get you started!
Complete, no way, but Catholics are involved in many social issues with specific groups or informally. They are into everything from feeding the poor, promoting religion and spirituality to confrontational political social reform. I would think a word search under Catholic reform social issues etc typed in one line would bring up a lot more.