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Why is it that rain drops but snow falls?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's semantics.
Because snowflakes have much higher coeffecient of drag and less weight than raindrops, they offer resistance to the air as they come down. So, snowflakes tend to come down much slower than raindrops; hence the 'falling'. We use 'dropping' because it has more of a speed element attached to its meaning. because rain is liquid and snow is solid Technically they both fall, it's raindrops and snowflakes. We don't say rain is dropping. Pouring yes but never dropping. I'm not sure?
but i think rain does fall.
Rain drops are the water particles the fall.

Snow does fall, but a single piece of snow is a snowflake. rain is liquid so it 'drops' snow's solid so it 'falls' because snow is lighter and just kinds of wafts down. i should know i live in minnesota I think because rain is heavier than snow THE ONLY THINGS I KNOW THAT YOU CAN GET A DROP OF ARE LIQUIDS


SNOW IS LIGHT AND YOU MAY NOT EVEN HEAR IT AS IT DRIFTS DOWNWARDS. rain is heavier and comes down harder and faster than snow, which usually comes down more softly and gently. Everybody is trying to give you the answer but they seem to be beating about the bush.

What do you want them to be and we will make it so!! have no clue!