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Please all good creative people i neeeeeeed your help?

Well, my teacher assigned the class an art project based on our Egyptian God.My god is Anubis.He(*HINT ANUBIS IS A BOY) is the god of the dead.Whoever has the best project gets an mp3 player.Please do not give me ideas such as(*OH AND ALSO IF THESE IDEAS STINK PLEASE TELL ME):
-a pop up book based on legendsabout Anubis
-mad libs Anubis style
-colored and drawn picture of Anubis
But great ideas are appreciated I will give whopever has the most really good ideas gets the best answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: u can go to hobby lobby or something and get some popcicile sticks and try and make a statue of him. or the sign he carries around, i forgot what its called. and get some hyroglyhics to make it more creative. its really not hard to learn. i taught myself about a month ago. but you dont really have to learn it.'s one thing you could do that's art related. you know how in egyptian myth, when you die your heart is weighed against a feather and if it's heavier you get eaten by these dogs or some other creature? well, you could make a heart (out of clay or something) and then put it on a scale with a feather. I'm sort of just guessing that anubis has something to do with this. srry if i didn't help and just wasted space. = ) Research Anubis and condense the interesting information about him into a few pages, double-spaced. Illustrate your writing with color drawings of him and a few objects from that time, such as pottery, jewelry, etc. Proof for spelling and grammar. Be sure your paragraphs are where they should be. Dress up as Anubis!! First research on the internet or go to the library!Get a pic from him on the internet and well print it or just look at it and try to draw your own...then get a flat board or paper and draw a huge pyramid!and on the left or right side or even above the pyramid draw anubis...u can draw a picture of him with a stick looking up at the sky..or draw him as a statue or u can also use the flat board or paber and color the background all brown..unless your board is already brown and draw him with like u know those sticks that he carries and draw hyrogliphics!u casn also use clay if u want...remember if u have to stand up infront of everyone just incase take something that he might of weared or something!Good luck! You may design something from the following readings/facts such as jackal/dog mask to represent Anubis head.

Anubis is the son of Osiris and Nephthys. According to one myth, he was sired through the trickery of the treacherous Nephthys over her brother Osiris, and was abandoned by his mother at birth, being raised instead by Osiris' sister-wife Isis. As he grew, Anubis followed his father who became pharaoh by conquering the world.

In ancient times on the seventeenth day of the month of Hathor, during the twenty-eighth year of Osiris' reign, Seth killed Osiris and overthrew Osiris as pharaoh. After this, Anubis invented mummification as a means of preserving his father's body for restoration back to life. He also showed the mummification process to the Egyptians as as a means of preserving their dead.

(Egyptian Myth/Literature: The Tale of Two Brothers) - During one of his absences, Anubis' wife, Qadesh, the goddess of sin, attempted to seduce Anubis' brother, Bata, the bull-god. Refused by him, she screamed rape, and Anubis pursued his brother as far as the Nile where Bata insisted on his innocence. Finally believing him, Anubis turned around and slew his wife. While under the protection of Khnemu, the god of the Nile, Bata called upon Ammon-Ra for a wife of his own. Ammon-Ra instructed Khnemu, his son, to give his own daughter Hatmehyt as a wife to the bull-god. She, however, turned out to be unfaithful and showed Bata's enemies how to defeat him. Anubis subsequently found his brother's body and restored him to life. In one version of this story, a pine tree had sprung up from where Bata was buried. Anubis tricked Hatmehyt into swallowing a splinter from the tree and Bata sprang forth from, killing her in the process.

(Egyptian Myth) - When Osiris returned as a god of death and of resurrection, Anubis, as well as the god Ap-uat, became a guide over funerary rites and was responsible for carrying souls from the underworld to Osiris' heavenly kingdom.

(Tales of the Zombie#4/3 - BTS) - Anubis was invoked by an Egyptian man who sought to create a zombie for him so that he could use it to force a woman to marry him. The spell succeeded, but the woman eventually turned the zombie against him and murdered him.

(Son of Satan#7 (fb)) - Thousands of years ago, the soul of an unspecified man was placed in Anubis' care. Anubis kept the soul within a bronze idol in his realm. However, at some point the soul escaped, fled his keep, and inhabited the forms of other men and women, always staying one step ahead of Anubis.

(Thor I#240-241 - BTS) - In later times, Seth replaced Osiris as ruler of the dead. Growing discontent with that role, he overthrew Osiris who had replaced Ammon Ra as ruler of heaven. Seth then imprisoned him and all the Egyptian gods, possibly keeping Anubis' mortal form in a preserved state within a pyramid for a millennia as well. When the pyramid appeared in the Twentieth Century, the Asgardian Gods clashed with Seth to free them. The ancient gods of Egypt then proclaimed Odin the reincarnation of their common ancestor Atum Ra.

BTS - Anubis empowered Silas Warden to become Mindstar and sent him to find and return an escaped soul. Anubis taught Mindstar that all men and women are stars, and all humanity a cosmos.

good luck