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Miming Help!!!!!!! Please!!!! Best answer awarded!!!!!!?

Im doing a miming presentation for school, our plot is this:
person sees man "commiting a murder", goes and tells friend and tries to find something to do about it. later they go to a play and see the man playing a murderer onstage- he was just rehearsing! any ideas on how to develop the friend character, or any suggestions on actions or how to add comedy, make it overdramatic, anyything at all???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When the guy "gets killed", he should have a really funny facial expression. Have his eyes wide and his mouth open a lot.

Before the guy "murders him", have them wave hands at each other and have a lot of hand gestures throughout the whole play.

When the person tells the friend, have the friend cover his or her mouth with both hands and eys open.

Just have fun. If you do, the audience will. * gives you random hand guestures * Just stop there!