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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I am looking for some creative "care package" ideas to send someone. D


I am looking for some creative "care package" ideas to send someone. Do you have any ideas?

This person is going to need a pick-me-up, so I was thinking of sending him a care package maybe once a week. I want to just send him random stuff. One idea I had was sending him a Groucho Marx mask (the bushy eyebrows, funky nose and mustache). Also things like funny stories I find online or comic strips. Anyone have any creative/unique ideas for me?

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2 days ago
Me: I am still crying from laughing so hard! Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
Me: I am still crying from laughing so hard! Thank you! This will certainly make him laugh.

Toys R Us has it.