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Im going to bed now--Goodnight-----?

are you a night owl or an early bird?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm a night owl - but I have to be up early in the morning anyway because the rest of the world doesn't stick to my hours!!!

Night night! early bird but i have a life Night owl!
I hate the morning, I'd rather stay up 6 in the morning than wake up at 6 in the morning. Bit of both, I go to bed around 1am, then get up at 7am to walk my daughter to school. Goodnight. I'm a night owl. Sweet dreams. sweet dreams can be both see you soon.?? Night Owl!! Night owl but I also have to get up at 7 because the world won't wait or me unfortunately hehe...

goodNight ! I'm a night owl, only an early bird when I have to get up for work or to take the kids to school. Goodnight. i am an early bird A night owl. Good night, Joannie!
Good night, Joannie!
Good night, Joannie!
I'll see you sometime soon,
Bahm Bahm Bahm....

Ha-ha! Camp song. I am such a night owl. The world does not operate by my hours, though, so I end up being really tired all day. Wah'wah!

Good night! Night owl. I love the night, and I never want to go asleep.....and try waking me up in the morning.. hehe..