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I want to be a teacher, but my parents won't listen!?

i want to go into teaching, but my parents are focussed on me being some hotshot lawyer or doctor... how can i convince them i don't want to get into that? mind you, they don't change their mind easy....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Be come independent and get a job. then pursue what you want to be . Part of growing up is accepting responsibility for yourself and your thoughts. Making your own decisions. this is your are obviously old enough to be in college so you are an adult, they cannot tell you what you can or cannot study. If they will not listen then maybe you should just take those classes with out them knowing it and when all is said and done, you will have a degree in teaching, not law or medicine. I really do wish you the best of luck. I am thinking of a teaching degree as well. That or Nursing. Just talk to your parents, have a heart to heart and explain to them that you don't think you are cut out to be a doctor or a lawyer. You know teachers don't make that much money, but it is not about the money. It is about helping kids and enriching their lives. If you can reach just one child and see that light all of a sudden click on, the feeling you get inside is just amazing. I love it. Plus you will be giving back to the community more than a doctor or lawyer ever could. You will be there for the kids.
Explain all of that to your parents. If you must make a list of pros and cons and give a little presentation that states your stance.
Good Luck! well let me share some advice with your parents dear!
My daughter waited a few yrs to go to college and all though she may have missed out on some scholarships by doing so ,she too was very ready to go by 2' yrs out of high school.

Many of her friends either dropped out of college or decide that they wanted to major in something entirely different then what they thought at first, ,just because teacher's, guidance counselors,and parents ALL thought they knew what was best for them!

The schools are in such a rush to push out kids to be something or accomplish something big ,that they tend to forget to ask the kids what they want to be ,you know when we were all asked what we wanted to be when we grew up?
I think your parents would be better off letting you choose what it is you want to do instead of being what they think you ought to be !!
After all' it is your life and not theirs and although their intentions may be good ,they still can't decided for you !

We let our daughter choose her own Carree and she is now a Geologist major at one of the most prescient schools!
Prasie God!

Sallie Mae foundation can help with all of your loans too!
I know your parents think because they'll be footing the bill most likely 'although i dont know ?
anyhow that they have the right to choose for you ,but if they really want to see you happy with a good caree they'll allow you to choose!
Teaching is a wonderful opportunity and we need more of them,infact my daughter is teaching her major while getting her Master degree .

Good luck& God bless! When you apply for college, check out the education schools and pick one that meets your needs.

The great thing about colleges - you get to pick your classes and they (your parents) don't even get to be told what your grades are. Do it anyway, make a deal with your parents.
If teaching doesn't work out for you in a year or two, then study law or medicine. Forget trying to change their minds. If it is a financial issue than get a job, take an apartment and wait until you are 24 and can apply for financial aid without them.

If it is not a financial problem that forget what they think.