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Fruit as art?

Im writing an essay on how fruit is art. I need some ideas. I already have 2 reasons
- They arent perfect
-and they have a story behind them- PLZ help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I see fruit as beautiful art. Fruits come in such vibrant and rich colors. Some fruits have verigated skin, the light reflects off of different fruits in different ways. When cut, fruit can display several different textures on one peice (Take for instance a pomegranite) Fruit skins have different textures, different degrees of firmness. Some is fuzzy, some is smooth, others are rough or bumpy. Put those differences together and you have basically unlimited combinations. Fruit is symbolic for life. Its the seed that grows the plant from which it comes from. Its a big cycle of life. Perhaps you could try and see fruit from that direction, and see it more artistically? Good luck, I hope this helps you! :) Source(s):
I was an art/creative writing student in college.