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Things to do when your bored?

im bored and i want ideas what to do....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 fingers here's an idea that is not done much in this day of technology....try READING a book.
So much fun!!! well.... lets say i'm bored right now... which i am... what am i doing...

OH go to

It's cool try reading a book, i know u can hear my tone but i mean that as mockining as possible if thats a word just becuase that woman who wrote that sounds so much like a *****.
u c If it's a windy day then fly a kite.

Otherwise wait 'till dark and watch the moon, or stars,etc. When someone tells me they're bored it makes me wonder how much fun they would be for me to hang around with.

I mean, if you don't enjoy your own company, why would anyone else.

Read a book, watch a good movie, go for a walk, take a mid afternoon nap, go for a bike ride, go for a hike, wash the car, iron your clothes, go to the theatre, cook a nice meal for yourself, surf the web and look up famous fraud crimes of the century. Once you've done all these, surely you can come up with some of your own. Answer questions here, Do sudoku puzzles, , Read, Visit someone -anyone, plant something , learn a craft. draw,take photos, clean your room or house THAT will get boring too but its better than nothing and you will feel better , learn a sport go bowling, golfing fishing . Volunteer that was one thing that HELPED ME.Make a new friend , call an old friend.Go shopping but only if you have $. do yoga or exercise ,go for a walk fast or slow one, go for a bike ride. Go find lots of things to do and learn on the computer. Just DO NOT open the refigerator eating out of bordom is NOT GOOD thing to do ever!!!Watch tv ,, I don't like TV but usually can always find something to get my attention even if its the news or weather.. DON"T watch soap opras I heard they are addicting . GEEEEEEEEE how can you be bored!!!!!!!!!!! The list goes on,,,Time is a gift don't waste it !!! Lie down, close your eyes and focus on your toes. Yahoo answers lol.