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Can anyone tell me the difference between static and dynamic in terms of art?

im doing a report on the bust of Queen Nefertiti for my art history class, and i need to know if it is static or dynamic

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Static suggests stasis, being still, constant, without movement or change. Dynamic suggests that there is contrast, that it does vary or change. I hope this will help you in terms of your report. During the Middle Ages statues were very stiff looking and always well contained within a certain space. They could be defined "static". In the Renaissance the Baroque style developed. Everything in it suggests movement: statues protrude from their niches or stand free on top of buildings, the vestments fluctuate (think of Michelangelo's Pietà, for instance" The floor of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice is laid so that it looks like a moving spiral. Nothing could be more dynamic.