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Do you think rap is a bad influence on America. Not old hip hop.?

I'm talking about the bull shi* people are coming out today.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I feel there is a great deal of negativity and disrespect in rap music. The images in the videos are unrealistic and vulgar. Women are objectified and degraded. It stopped being about being black and became hatred toward everyone. It perpetuates a negative stereotype toward a particular race and makes it that much harder for the majority of people of color who are trying to make things better for themselves. I think some of the lyrics are a bad influence. But that isn't new. The lyrics have been that way for at least 20 years. Also, I think a lot of the videos of these rappers are degrading to women. Pax - C The stuff that used to describe me was frightening and I think it made a point. At least it did with me!

Rap from the 1990s was a mirror to the soul.

Now it's just cheesey white bread