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Why do some (not all) ignore or abuse the homeless?

I'm a homeless man, who has been beat up, spit on laughed at...everything one can do to me has been done to me. I keep to myself, dont beg or bother anyone. Why are people so mean, uncaring? I'm not a drinker or drug user, i suffer from depression. There are many reasons why i'm homeless and if you read my profile, you will see some of them. Not all homeless are bad people...just down on our luck and need help, some more than others. The next time you see a homeless person, be kind, help them if you can, we are human to, just not as furtunate as some.
For those who say homeless and on a computer... i'm at the library, the only place i can find peace for a few hours every day. Please pray for me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I suppose people do it because they can, being the simple answer. Some people have a sick sense of humor and find enjoyment in the suffering of others.

Personally, i do little things like buying a big issue, or giving loose change to a homeless person. However, my boyfriend is completley different from me.

He used to be homeless at one point, and has no sympathy for the homeless; he says if your hungry, thirsty or need somewhere to go, go to a hostal and you can give them a cut of your dole money and have somewhere to stay with hot food.

I asked him what if they dont know where one is, and he said to go to a citicens advice beaureau and they will tell you what you need to know.

I don't think you should be asking for a prayer; i think that you should be asking for a job. Perhaps you, and other homeless people have personal problems than my boyfrien had, but i just want you to know that there are options for you.

Please, please don't let your depression prevent you from seeking the help that is available. Not everybody is down on the homeless and there are alot of good people who will help if you give them the chance.

You could try selling the big issue, too. Or go to a hostal and sta there untill you get a job and are able to go somewhere better( get yourself put on a housing list).

I think that the other man who said about if you are able to use a computer... is right too. Please don't suffer alone, if yu are able to get yourself of the street perhaps you could go on to help others. Sir, this is not a question, it is a statement. Perhaps you should seek some public counseling services for your depression. If you can use a computer, I would recommend trying to find employment processing medical bills or some other documents for money. It might be a good way to start to build up the money you need to get off the streets. Because they're ignorant. I will pray for you.

I will pray that you find the will to seek help for your depression somewhere and find it. And I will pray that you get well enough to make a life for yourself.

Be a phoenix and rise from the ashes... I, personally, have seen this happen to homeless people. People in today's Society think its socially unacceptable to speak with Homeless people. They think that Homeless people are a lot like animals, they are work nothing at all. People do it to feel good about themselves by picking on/tormenting an innocent person's life, one who is, of course, defenseless. People don't really need a reason in this day and age anymore, Its as simple as just doing instead of thinking. I hope this answered your question! Some people ignore the homeless because they themselves need financial assistance. Some abuse the homeless because they are cold-hearted. Don't be discouraged by these people. Soon somehow, you will find help. But help yourself first by not giving up and by trusting the Lord. I ask you not to allow bad people to beat you up. I wish I could find a way to help you. I will pray for you. I will ask my 5yr-old daughter to pray for you. God bless you my friend. I myself was once homeless, and I know what an incredible struggle it is. There are many reasons people treat the homeless bad. They have a superior attitude, or are just condescending in general. My guess is many are afraid of becoming homeless themselves. I never thought it could happen to me. Just look at all the people getting ready to lose their houses. What are they going to do?
I am not going to give you advice. You will make the changes in due time when you are ready. I just got up one morning, and found I couldn't take it anymore. It was hard to ask for help but I did. Today I have a wife, and a home on five acres in the country. It can happen for you too. Of course I will send you my prayers. God bless you my Friend. : ) Posted this again, I see.