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Dante's Inferno: People who belong in the 9 Circles of Hell?

Basically, this is for a school homework assignment. I have to provide examples of FAMOUS DEAD PEOPLE who belong in the 9 respective circles of hell. I have some already:
1) Unbaptized
2) Lustful
3) Gluttonous
4) Greedy/Corrupt
5) Wrathful/Sullen
6) Heretics - Galileo
7) Violent - Che Guevara
8) Fraudulent
9) Traitors - Benedict Arnold

Plus, they can't be extremely obvious people (Hitler, Stalin, etc.)
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: al capone could work for a few, most likely fraudulent though. thats assuming he's not too obvious. the marquis de sade may fit in there somewhere too. for lustful, caligula for sure. check here: good luck on the others, im out of ideas right now Anyone who never asked Jesus Christ into their hearts. John 3:3 "I tell you, unless you are Born Again, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven"
I think that's about as clear and to the point as anyone can get.