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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > For an upcoming art show which has as theme Art and humor, I proposed the follow


For an upcoming art show which has as theme Art and humor, I proposed the following:(look at details)?

To hire 3 professional clowns to come and look at the exhibition, and inhabit the space for as long as they have been hired (+/- 2 hours), not acting or performing. I have a complete conceptual explanation, but what would people gather from the work without the explanation?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If I was one of the artists in the show, I would find it annoying to have such an obvious ploy at the opening. Clowns are one kind of humor, that doesn't mean the work in the show is going to be like that. It also isn't very "conceptual". They are clowns. The end.