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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Name of the artist who made the video I've seen in the Tate Modern?


Name of the artist who made the video I've seen in the Tate Modern?

Three or four years ago, while visiting the museum, I've seen the video of a guy boxing himself. a bit strange, but anyway... A few months later, I've seen a complete exhibition in Oslo (not 100% sure this was the same guy, but almost), a bit tough, with some scatology, and a video where the guy is dressed like a clown and makes a parody of a cooking TV show. Does anybody know who I'm talking about?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The artist you're looking for is called Paul McCarthy - an American artist, creates installation performances (which he records and shows as videos) he's a very famous contemporary artist, you should have no problem finding stuff about him - just google him.