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How can i do a interview with shinji mikami ?

how can i do a interview with shinji mikami ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well, my knowledge of Japanese is severly limited, but i translate the name as being, more or less, "great god spirit?

From having done Asian martial arts for some time, i've become a great admirer of Shinto, along with Daoism and Buddhism. (And Esoteric Christianity certainly has its points, too). I've been taught how to "invoke" various Beings in order to benefit from their Presence and "Blessings". Why not check out the following books and get some guidance on how to "do" such invocations? Then you can interview "Him" when He shows up: *The Buddha Book*, *Secrets of Aikido*, *Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ*. You may scoff, but experience is the best teacher, not theorizing :))Try it and see, Good luck!!

But, then again, it may just be the name of a Japanese movie star?