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Why do we attract what we fear?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I'm not sure if you've ever heard of intention manifestation and "The Law of Attraction", nor if you believe any of it but...
They say you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. So the more you think of something, the more concrete it becomes.

If you pay attention, you'll notice pessimists tend to attract some pretty ugly scenarios... basically because it's what they believe it will become.

Fears are very strong emotions that sometimes tend to completely block our minds of other thoughts... and there is where intention-manifestation ends up backfiring.

This is a delicate subject and people tend to go "pssht" over hearing it... but with time and a little bit of perception you start to see it makes sense.

If you're interested you can read more about it at this guy has some very interesting articles, and they also have an experiment running, in which people try to attract 1 million dollars to come into their lives with the help of intention manifestation. :P