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Kindly help me on the topic "Sweep not my ashes for I will rise again"?

My teacher has given me an assignment to deliver a speech (5-6 minutes) on the topic. Kindly help me by giving some points - for or against so that I may be able to preapre a good speech - Also who said it?? Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I've never heard the quote. I did find a reference to it online, but just the title listed under serious. So that leaves us no where.

"Sweep not my ashes" sounds like someone is speaking of his own or her own resurrection. The second half, "for I will rise again." confirms that.

Metaphorically speaking, perhaps, the author is saying:
Even though I looked like I've died, don't give up!
Wait, things will get better. I'll get better.

I seriously don't know, but this is the best I can do.

Hope it helps.