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Judge this poem?

I AM NOT an acyual poet or whatever. I just got bored so i made a poem. but i still want to know what you all think.

I think I love him
But I'm not sure
He's always messing around
With other girls
I know I'd love him
If he'd just stop
But that's impossible
But it's the hope I got
My friend caught him cheating
just the other day
I said "that's who he is"
But it just won't go away.
Some say get over him
just move along.
But others say forget it,
just stay strong,
he really does like you,
and no other girl.
But it's ripping me apart,
tearing up my world.
I don't know what to do
and don't know what to say
but I am constantly thinking about it
every single day.
Part of me says go with it
don't let his actions mess us up
while the other part says forget him
he's the one who screwed up.
I know I shouldn't waste my time
letting him control my mind
but this is all I can do
to see this through

i havent made the last sentence yet. thats all i have 2 do.

Additional Details

4 months ago
i know it seems long just please read it! it really duznt take that long.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Very well written. You would never know that you haven't been doing this forever.

And as a sidebar--dump the jerk!