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Can sports, such as basketball, be considered an art?

Can a sport, such as basketball, be considered an art? This is a pholosopical quesition that I to answer. I just want to know how you felt about it and any examples that you might have.

Consider that an art has to have certain qualities such as:
1. Quality of work
2. Response of the audience
3. Intent of the artist

But these are not the only qualities you can consider...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Why does art have to have the three qualities you've listed? If I paint the most "beautiful" (since beauty is an opinion) painting in the history of mankind and no one sees it, it is by your definition not art. Moreover, is audience response a true barometer? For example, the response of the audience is called "popularity" and to me, popularity is not an effective way to judge art. There really is no philosophical question here. To me, a sport can be considered art (maybe the Harlem Globetrotters are an example) and sports can most certainly be depicted in art and inspire art. How do we separate inspiration from the product? Is nature art, or only the photographer or painter's depiction? Art is something personal and highly opinionated. You're best to make up your own mind and leave it to others to the same. What inspires YOU?? That is art, in my opinion. And I'll never tell you what ought to be inspiring....