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Is there a difference between postmodernism and postmondernity?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Postmodernity, a separate term, describes social and cultural conditions connected to the era in which postmodernism arose.
Postmodernism is a term used in a variety of contexts to describe social conditions, movements in the arts, economic and social conditions and scholarship from the perspective that there is a definable and differentiable period after the modern, or that the 20th century can be divided into two broad periods.

"Postmodernism claims that 'modernity' which began with 'the Enlightenment', industrialism, Darwin and Marx, has collapsed.
We now live in an endlessly 'contemporary culture' full of contested meanings. The resulting postmodern culture embodies parody, pastiche and cultural cross-over. It is a virtual world of hyperreality containing such strange phenomena as post-Holocaust amnesia, Disneyland, cyberspace, and Fukuyama's proclaimed 'end of history'.
From Postmodernism to Postmodernity;
Hope this helped,