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Be honest is this a poem or not???

Is this really a poem or not??BE honest plssss....

RADICALS from the word "Radix"
to mean the word "Root"
If "n" is a positive integer n,
"a" will be a Real number.

For which a 1/n is defined
Then, the expression n??a
will be called RADICAL;
and the n root a n??a of equals a 1/n.

Mathematically, an n root of a number,
"a" is a number b, such that b =a
n root of a real number "a"
Refers to the n root of a real number.

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No. Dividing text into three four line stanzas doesn't make it poetry. It doesn't scan, there is no rhythm, there are no internal or end rhymes. There are no metaphors. There is a little alliteration but only by coincidence instead of intention. It has no meaning beyond its mathematical one.