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Imagine you heard a huge comet is coming toward to the earth a week later, what will you do as your priority?

you're certain that nobody can prevent this crash and you know the exact time of world end (Aramgedon). what do you think about yourself ,your life and relatives? what will be happend for violences just during this week? and how is the world just a few hours before crash? can you image and express many aspects of modern human life ( economy, trade, transport, education, politic, religion....) just in last hours?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I can't speak for others, certainly there'd be widespread panic and riots.

What I'd do would depend on how bad the prognosis is, how big the comet is. If life had a decent chance of surviving after the first year or so, I'd figure the best place to be(ie inland, far from the impact site, underground, stable), get there, and do what I can to plan for survival, be that on credit or by theft if necessary.

If it was an absolute certainty that we'd all die, I'd probably just try to live my final week as enjoyably and stress-free as possible, though I'd probably start drinking heavily or get back into drugs (no long-term consequences to worry about, right?).