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Do you want something free that will change your life? FREE SAMPLE!?
Are YOU indifferent? = (That is Q #2)
of the lukewarm and indifferent He said:
"These souls cause Me more suffering than any others; it was from such souls that My soul felt the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives. It was on their account that I said: 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by.' The last hope of salvation for them is to flee to My Mercy."

He has said in so many words, I would rather you be hot or cold, luke warm I spit you out!

Come to the light of Christ...
There is nothing better. There ARE spiritual gifts and blessings from above. Just ask and recieve...
NOTE: There are 2 questions to answer so please do not erase for not a question, thank you.
FOR THE IRRELIGIOUS: Stop erasing my posts. We Christians put up with your devilish psycho babble, yet we are always here to help you... Be more thankful and tolerant like us, it is a virtue!

Additional Details

4 months ago
I know the Holy Text very well.
People make up ALL KINDS of assumptions and commercial ideas to fit what they think Christianity is!
But I assure you, it is still what the Holy Text teaches...WE SERVE A HOLY MASTER WHO TAUGHT AND DEMANDS MUCH!
For example:
1. We are not to accept another book after the Holy Bible writings of that time.
(I.E. The book of morman or the Quaran.)
2. The Holy book of Ephesians:
We are NOT to give a place to the devil.
(Not one inch) That means you do not sympathise or condone false religions with idle worship and false doctrines.
3. You educate people by way of spreading the good news of the doctrine= fellowship.
I am sorry you are not firmly planted in your faith.
I know what God wants and I make NO excuses!
That should not offend you or do you have devilish pride? See religion IS to serve God, NOT to serve the ideals of man. Sorry if that offends you...
Christians are also NOT WEAK
the Lord is our Strenght.
Holy Boldness!

4 months ago
Oh how easily you have given up!!!
You've tried Christianity? Your faith was tested? Here is why...
1 Peter 1:6-7
So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though it is necessary for you to endure many trials for a while. These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.

So take it like a Christian! Hold your head up and in ALL things give God thanks!!!!
Thanks? Your Welcome :^)

4 months ago
Man you you guys give new meaning to ungodly! unⷧodⷬy adj. unⷧodⷬiⷥr, unⷧodⷬiⷥst
1. Not revering God; impious.
2. Sinful; wicked.
3. Impious, irreligious - hostile or indifferent to religion

ThesaurusLegend: characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin; "iniquitous deeds";
* lacking piety and reverence for a God.

3 months ago
jared g,
You are waisting your life trying to disprove your Divine Creator...
What will you say in the judgement room,
"I am sorry I publically blasphemed you and caused others to laugh... I was so wrong, sob sob, yes I do deserve punishment! WAH WAH WAH!
The oldest religion?
It does not get any older than GENESIS! It is the creation of the world silly. Get off the drugs, sober up and take the high road. Try something good for your self for once...
Close your eyes and say
"Jesus Christ get me right with you, amen" and you are on your way!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

its really cool that your at peace with yourself and god . but you really need to stop shoving your religious drival down everyone elses throat not everyone follows the god squad and i prefer to worship my girlfriends genitals if i ever decide to follow religion i hope i dont become some religious psycho nut job zealot like you im not a demon by the way im the three legged monster