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Is technology making Americans fat and lazy?

We no longer grow our own food. We no longer walk to our destinations. Cleaning our houses is less physicalloy demanding. We can ride elevators rather than climb stairs.
Is technology to blame for the poor physical condition of Americans. Who do we place the blame on.. Technology or Humanity..?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It is a combination of poor diet and technology. Guess you could say the poor diet comes from technology also. We are bombarded with TV commercials about food. Then to make matters worse...we super-size everything. When we eat so much our bodies need to rest to digest it we become lazy and listless...driving instead of walking....pushing remotes instead of actually getting up to turn channels...even CLAPPING to turn lights off and on. Then you have the computer and computer games which kids spend so much time at instead of getting much needed fresh air and exercise. We are teaching our youth to become obese. I had a friend visit from Ireland and he couldn't get over all the fast food places. Then he suggested we walk to church...OMG...WALK??? lol Think about it.......Technology is ruining us.