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What do you think of this poem, "winter"?

Chilly winter mornings,
Frosty winter nights,
On the news there are warnings,
That the roads are thickly iced.
Days are shorter, nights are longer,
Everything glistens with ice,
My love for this season gets stronger and stronger
Winter is so very nice.
I wake up and look out my window,
All I can see is a blanket of white,
Oh how much I love the snow,
It makes everything feel just right.
Before you know it, winter will go,
So promise me, while it's still here,
Although you may not have any snow,
Enjoy the most wonderful time of the year.

Additional Details

3 months ago

Please tell me if you like it! Also, do you think its good enough to send in to a newspaper/magazine like thing? Please be truthful, and don't be afraid to say that you don't like it! If you want to request for me to post more of my poems, please just say so!!

3 months ago
Also, please look at my other poem, "Autumn" here

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

i liked it a lot, especially the last stanza. :) you did a good job with having your words flow together & you picked good word choice for the rhyming. to be honest i cant really think of any constructive criticism.

good job!!!

<3 Ellie

if you want, you can read the poem i wrote too. :) its under the questions that i asked.