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How to become a cool guy in 6th grade?

Well people call me a nerd. I have many friends but its just i'm not one of the really cool guys. Any suggestions on how to turn cool. Now I heard this many times but people say they are just saying that or something like that. Please dont say that or that i'm already cool or anything like that. All I want is the answer on how to be cool.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Treat everyone who you interact with, wtih respect and as if they are the most important person in the world right at that moment. LISTEN to them, and take their concerns seriously.

I have a grandson in sixth grade who struggles to get along with all the other boys in his class, because everyone is so intent on putting him down. Yes, he is different, but his feelings can still be hurt, just like yours.

People deserve respect no matter how different they are. So if you want to be different from all other sixth grade boys, then DON'T make fun of the people you interact with. Instead, see them as real people with real problems, that YOU just may be able to help resolve.