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I'm Italian, I need Norwegian's help!?

It's true that at Bergen in 1793 was built a church entirely in paper pulp??!! Why it was demolished? ...Thank you! Ciao!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:


It was located in Hop County just outside Bergen. It was a private church which a owner of a farm put up. The owner was Werner Hosewinckel Christie. It was shaped octangular (with 8 walls) on the outside and circular seen from the inside. It also had a dome. There was a circular wall surrounding the church. It is said that the church could have around 800-1000 people inside at the same time. People have said it was meant to be a copy of Pantheon or St.Peters church in Rome.

There was a lot of controversy whether it was a "real" church. The bishop of the time said that the church was not "Gods church". There was no-one interested in doing maintenance on the building after Christie died in 1822 or 1823, and the church quickly breaked down due to the fragile material. Michael Krohn bought the county in 1829, and demolished the ruins not make room for other construction.

Here's a drawing of the church. (Sorry, in Norwegian only)