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Is tats considered art?

I think it is even those certain ones don't, just got my first tat and getting the negative-religious bs outta of it, that doesn't bother me one bit....not is a skull with a dragon one each side....very detailed....but why am I getting judged from those that I have know for a long time, that knew that was what I was into?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Honestly, I think it is a leftover from when the "wrong" types of people got them. Yes, tattoos are a work of art. Just ask th artist who labored over the skin for hours slowly creating something that will last a lifetime.
My husband got a tattoo a couple years ago and I can still remember how his mother pulled away from him when she found out... She was hugging him and he flinched, it was only a day old, she asked what was wrong and he told her. She was really pissed and tried to convince him that he was going to hell. Mind you my husband was 38 when he got his ink down. She still gives him a hard time about it. Everytime she gives him grief about it, he just simply states that this is something that he had thought about for a long time and he understands that she doesn't like it but it is his body and he does like it.
After the newness fades hopefully your friends/family will change their attitude towards you.
Some people will always continue to judge by what they see beauty/ink/piercings and they will miss forming friendships with some truly wonderful people.
The best advice I can offer you is don't let it bother you and at the same time don't rub it in their face. Just stick to your guns without anger.
Hopefully this helps.