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When should an author start to write for his readers?

My question is so essential for me. For example, when a novelist should decide to write his/her first novel, when should a poem start to compose his/her first poet, when should a writer write his/her first report or book? Is there a specific age for that or it depends on intellectual, cultural, and historical backgrounds? If applicable, give me examples please.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I don't think an author should ever write for his readers. An author should write for themselves, and for the joy of writing. Whenever he or she is ready to get their thoughts and emotions on paper is the day he or she should begin writing. This could either be a 12 year old girls' diary or a 70 year old man's first poem. It should depend entirely on when they are ready. I also don't think cultural or historical backgrounds come into play. Intellectual? maybe...but not necessarily, depending on your audience. Some "authors" never publish their works!