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2day is my 24TH BIRTHDAY!!! \^ -^/...?

what should a 24 years old lady think and do?
well...I haven't found my love yet.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:


An old lady is as young as she thinks! And now that you are 24, you should stop counting!!!

Me neither, I haven't found my love either... but I picked up some hobbies.... singing in a chorus, reading, sewing/embroidery, crocheting... I stopped counting when I was 23.... and I still think and feel like I'm 23.... I'm now 33 LOL
(See???.... it's like I said earlier... you are as young as you think!)

I figured... without the commitment of a bf, husband, kids.... I have more free time than anyone younger than me, same age as me, and older than me. I get to choose what I want to do, when I want to do it. If I decide not to do something, I can quickly change my mind without it affecting anyone else (in the family).... If I decide to do something, and then don't feel like doing anything, again, I can change my mind at a spur of the moment.... My time is my own time. Enjoy it while you have it. Imagine,.... if you had your love, yeah, that would be great... but just wait when the kids come. We have it good.... and we can live a fulfulling life as single people... sometimes a fuller life than others with more commitments...

Again.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Single and Living Life

P.S. Fortunately, senility hasn't found me yet... When people ask me how old I am,... I actually don't know and have to take the present year minus the year I was born. Fortunately, I am aware of what year I'm in, still remember what year I was born, and still know how to do subtraction! =P