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Humanism and individualism?

is there a difference to humanism and individualism, and what are they exactly?
from how i see it, maybe it's wrong, but humanism is the movement that emphasized on human's abilities and their potential, and individualism is the belief that the individual was great and important...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You have it right.

Consider their opposites. The opposite of individualist is collectivist--one who believes that the one should be subordinate to the many. The opposite of humanist is theist--one who believes that human beings are not self-adequate and that the oversight of a supreme deity is essential.

It's possible to be a collectivist humanist (many socialists and commune members are exactly that), and it's possible to be an individualistic theist (many Southern Baptists fit that description).

[A note for those eager to take offense: nothing I've written here is intended as a value judgment of anyone's personal philosophy. It's simply a description of belief systems.]