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I need to make a model island from scratch!?

I need helpconstructing a model island from scratch. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO MAKE IT & WHAT MATERIALS TO USE! It needs to be somewhat large in order for a class to see. Please help!

P.s. Can't use foam or make a diorama.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

OK. I'm assuming that you have the whole weekend to do this! Here's what you need:
-cookie sheet/pan
-sugar cookie mix
-*green frosting/icing
-*blue frosting/icing
-chocolate/brown frosting/icing
-pretzel rods
-3 ice cream cones (available at most grocery stores)
-other various additional objects (optional)

First thing, you can use a basic recipe for sugar cookies. You can use store bought cookie dough, or 'make-from-scratch' cookie dough. I really suggest getting an oven-safe 'pan'or something at least 4/5 inches deep. Now, you need to mold all the cookie dough into the shape of your island. Don't worry about "the mountain" or "castle rock". I'll get to that later. Follow the instructions for baking the cookie shape in the pan. Now, you need to let it cool down. The reason you needed sugar cookie, is because its the most sand-like color. That way, you dn't have to worry about the "beach" part. I suggest you apply the green frosting/icing in its respectable area. Remember: YOU HAVE TO DO THIS AFTER IT COOLS, OTHERWISE THE FROSTING WILL MELT OFF! While the cookie island shape is still sort of soft, stick small pretzel stix into it, with green icing/frosting on the tips. (for the trees). You now have your basic island. Now, its on to "castle rock" and "the mountain".

Castle Rock- This is where the ice cream cones come in. Carefully break the cone in about half, or your preffered size depending on the scale of your model. You can now apply the blue/grey w/e color frosting. Also, for the general shape of castle rock, it looks like you need 2 cones.

The Mountain- Basically, you can use the same instructions for the above castle rock. Except you only use 1 cone! How easy is that??

The surrounding water- Get a pretty big bowl. Put as much blue frosting in it, filling it up about 1/2 way. Stick in the microwave for 10 second periods until its like melted peanut butter. Then, depending on where this island is going to be sitting (preferably in the same or an alike pan that you started with) you can spread or pour the blue frosting around the island.

- you don't have to make the island that big before baking. It should have either baking soda/powder, so it will rise to a good size.

-If you can't find cheap blue frosting, feel free to purchase store brand white frosting, and a bottle or 2 of blue food coloring. (This works for green and any other color as well.)

-You can always make small labels on paper, and tape them on to tooth picks, then stick them to your island as labels.

-to add the lines shown in the drawn image, use some black icing, or, you can use black shoe string licorice!

-You know what the best part about your island is? At the end of your presentation (make sure you take lots of pictures first) your class can cut it up and eat it! MMM, islands never tasted so good!