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What do you think of this poem & this haiku?

Here is the poem


There's a lost look in your eye.
But there is a smile on your face.
Nobody sees. Just me.
I want to help.
I'd like to try.
Deep inside I just cry.
For the girl that I see is just a reflection of Me.

Here is the haiku

Fake Friends

You smile to my face
Behind my back you attack
Rose with hidden thorns

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The poem is lovely, direct, emotional and true. I agree with the poem. The beautiful thing about poetry is the only important thing is what it means to you and how it makes you feel. As for your haiku, it gets right to the point to which anyone could decipher. I think a haiku is supposed to be more complicated but yours is simple, and I agree with it too.