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I had this dream. What does it mean?

My 26 year old sister has a 2 year old little boy. In the dream a large snake slithered into her house and threatened the little boy. My sister rescued him by trampling the snake but before doing that she took off her shoes, like she wouldn't hurt him. She kept trampling the snake for a couple of minutes then she sat down on the sofa and cuddled her baby. The snake slowly slithered away and left the house.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

YOur a little jealous of your sister maybe, you see her as a strong woman, maybe you want kids too(?), maybe you want kids and are scared; you see your sister as able to it all, (you are watching her in the dream, right?) Maybe she's battling life and doing a damn good job; (you are the observer in this dream, not an active participant; that could mean something) The snake slowly slithering away, makes me think it's some representation of life, it slowly slithered away, just like a lot of things in life, like it has happened before. The leaving the house, is closure of some kind, maybe a release of some sort...
[Just a quick rundown.]
If at all close to something you have been thinking, or something that??s been going on, or i could be way out in the 5th; please e-mail me, just curious?? ^_^