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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I'm trying to remember the name of a teen book series. It was set in outer space


I'm trying to remember the name of a teen book series. It was set in outer space since the world was destroyed

I remember that the main character was driving to school when he got news that the world was gonna be destroyed by an asteroid or a meteor. He was picked along with his parents to board an expiremental ship with solar sails. While in hibernation, some people are killed by worms and tiny meteorites. The survivors land on a distant planet similar to earth (I think it was a ship) and have to live with a omni-everything being called "mother". Mother lives on this "planet" with other creatures who try to kill the survivors. Mother recreates an environment similar to earth for the survivors. Please help, I want to read the series again.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You should ask this in the What Was That Book? LJ Community -

Hope that helps! :)