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Principles of writing for radio?

wat are the principles of writing for radio ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You have to remember that the radio audience is just as clever/intelligent as that for television and if anything you have to work even harder to write for radio as the audience cannot see the action that is taking place.

I personally found it easier to write for radio. Make use of sound effects and music. Remember to have a good range of characters who are different so that the audience can tell who is talking- a good balance between male and female and age etc. is a good idea.

If you are limiting yourself to just a few characters bear in mind that radio can take the listener anywhere at no expense to yourself. You could be in outer space one minute, the desert the next and in the city of London for the climax, as long as it fits the story. If you have just a few characters look at further possibilities, could there be good and bad angels/conscience to the character so that the audience see more of a rounded picture?

Lastly make sure that you know your characters as if you are not happy with them it is likely that the audience won't be able to relate to them either.