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Where can I find a list of things to do before I die?

I need a list please! I am trying to complete a list like that! please help me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

First I hope you are not dying, but I guess the best list should be based on things you have always wanted to do or accomplished but you were afraid to try. Some creative thing, a place you've always wanted to go. Volunteer work you always felt the pull to do.
Think about your spiritual beliefs are there anythings you feel within you faith that you would like to complete, a pilgrimage or missions trip or trip to a spiritual guru kind of thing.
With family and friends are there any unresolved issues that you would like to work out before its too late.
Handling your finances so your family will know what to do.
Reach out to others and don't be alone with it.
Hope its just a question, but I know that if we wait to know when we will die it may be to late to do these things so I guess this is something we could all do.
Hugs. and Good Luck