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How would you rate this Haiku? (1 being worst, 10 being best)?

By the way, im in 8th grade so keep that in mind.

We fell upright
As the melody of the gears
Teased my racing heart

This is about my first roler coaster ride

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3 months ago
and our teacher didnt make us have it be 5,7,5

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Your teacher isn't doing you any favors. If you are going to do a haiku, then do a haiku. Stick to the rules. The whole point is working within a structure. The guy that says you could easily make it 5-7-5 is absolutely right. Actually, the person you should ignore is the idiot who says that "Art doesn't have rules." That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Sure, you can get to the level where you know which rules to break, but there are a multitude of "rules" to every art form. Self-expression is easy. Art is hard.

And, for the record, your haiku is quite imaginative and evokes an emotional response from anyone who has ever ridden a roller coaster. Keep it up! Only do real ones! (And don't ever subjugate your work to a numerical value, unless it's dollars and you're selling it!)