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Rate my new poem plz. 1 to 10.?

Why I try

Of all the roses she stands out.
For the rest are red but she is white.
Pure as snow, with unseen elegance
A wingless angel that walks soft but steps strong.
A perfect soul that gives reason to change who you are,
Just to feel like you have some out of reach chance.
My breaker of melancholy, and holder of peace.
A voice of melody, with a song of reason.
As my chance was stolen and my chances are grim,
I think to myself why try for something you will never get,
Knowing that I try because she is true, and will be in my heart years to come.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If you'll ask me to rate syntax, grammar, vocabulary, etc., I'll give it a 7. But poems are not meant to be rated this way. Your poem is full of heart, and the lady you may read it to someday will definitely be flattered and give it an 11.