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Very short poem. Please share your opinion on the meaning???

The Angels said it is Gods creation.
The Gods said it was a strange coincidence.
The angels said it is Gods creation.
The gods said it was a coincidence.

- Anthony Rother

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Creation refers to Genesis from the Christian Bible in which God creates the world from chaos.

The God refer to the Greek Gods who believed that creation was a coincidence perhaps coming from nothing and out of nowhere like a coincidence. And the creation was strange for a coincidence but most coincidences are a little strange if not surprising.

So it's the internicine war between the creationist who believe that there must have been someone or something who created the universe vs. evolution. Science backs evolution, and the creationists have been unable to mount any creditable scrienfific evidence to back up their claims.

Kindest Personal Regards,

Walt Brown
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