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My twin sister is writing an apology letter to our mum for shoplifting at Walmart.Can you help us please?

She wishes to express her saddness at causing our mum grief,embaressment and money.If you could help us it would be great.Please don't be rude or mean in any of your responses.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You just started the letter with your first sentence.. Start it that way then go into what she did, why she did it (just a reason not an excuse eg: attention, was being selfish, not thinking, etc), explain she did not consider her moms feelings and she knows she was not raised that way, or that mom is always a good example and this was a bad choice... and offer to repay the money either by working it off, or by getting a job and actually handing her back the cash... and stick by that so she knows the lesson was learned and its not just something being done because she feels like she has to.. and assure your mom this is not going to happen again.

Good luck, my neice stole makeup last year from walmart and did learn a lesson..