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Braces......*sniff* *sniff*?

I'm 15 and this is ruining my life! I wish so badly that I could afford braces. After my father died we were left with no health insurance at all and everyone at school says "hey when are you getting yours?" and I keep saying next summer. I can't smile with my teeth and will not smile! Its so embarrassing, I hate my teeth I feel as though as soon as I open my mouth people judge me! You should see how crooked my teeth are, people call me hill billy, squirell, chipmunk, and rabbit. It hurts so bad, even the monthly payments are too much for my mother who is handling 4 kids without a husband!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well, show people who you really are! Once you show them what a great person you are, if they are worth knowing they will look past your physical appearance. Looks aren't everything.