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Will you please type something random..?

i know i sound like a fruitcase but...really say anything...... i'm listening.^_^

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

type something random. . ?

There is fructose, fruitcake and nutcase, are you getting to the sugar quicker with fruitcase? And as a side note, aren't you reading? I take that back, you could set your computer on speech and it would speak the words to you.

I could see this question in psychology. You could do a mini analysis of the subconscious of the respondent by what they came up with. We work on ourselves all the time and you could see where they were in their subconscious development by what they typed. As you can read, I am in the self analysis phase. Not too random, humm.

This is one question that is totally wide open to any and all responses. Interesting.