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Spontaneous midspring poem (what do you think of it?)?

Blessed be all those who loved and survived
The bozos, the people you were warned against, even against your better judgment and yet still you loved them and they did not get it and they fucked you in the a>>.
Blessed be the days of longing and dreaming, and the nights of passion you shared or you were deprived of, blessed be all; it was all out of love.
Blessed be the rotten outcome of it all, the losses, the fuckups, the humiliations, the vainglorious days you??ve had, and the days of black misery, the hours of dreaded panic about the future and your dreams gone astray. Many had these before you and many will after you (you are not a novelty in this). Yet blessed be the real pain of it all. Blessed be fear that all these will torture you again, you that you had it in your blood to love and believe in them, blessed be the moments of loneliness, of abandonment by these who think you don??t merit their attention and last but not least, blessed be the hope of love renewed, midspring.

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deep and interesting, i like the contrasts and the symbolic undertones of spring being a season for rebirth and hope for all of fucked up humanity