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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I want to make soemthing out of plaster of paris with mine my daughters and sist


I want to make soemthing out of plaster of paris with mine my daughters and sisters handprints in it for my?

mom for mothers day, ant ideas?

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2 months ago
*i mean any ideas

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If you live near the beach, take your daughter, scoop out an oval well in the sand about 6" long. Then, let your daughter use natural materials to make a "face" in the recessed sand. mix the plaster of paris (you will need to bring water with you for this, a bucket, the plaster, and a spoon)
pour in, and while it dries watch the sea and talk.
then at the end when it's just wet enough, stick you hand. then, add a little more plaster right on your "palm" and set her smaller hand in the plaster.