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Can someone help me write a poem?

I need to write a poem in English and I'm really bad at it...can anyone help...I want it to be funny

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

A poem is an intensely personal emotion. In a sense it is yourself exposed to the reader. It is also persuasive; making the reader share your experience.

I doubt if any one can really help another to write a poem other than with things like meter, rhyme and things like that.

A funny poem can be free verse, not necessarily following rules. Or you may decide to write a limerick; in which case you can just look up a few existing limericks and weave your story into one.

There is a problem though. You can get addicted to it and friends flee for safety when they see you on the horizon with a sheaf of papers.

Just do it!

More power to your elbow. Just give us time to vamoose when you are ready to let loose your limerick. Better still, post it here