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Could someone please explain this poem to me?!?

"Good" by Hilary Sideris:

Report card B, commodity, food
long in the fridge unspoiled.

Antonym & origin of evil, grade
of kisser in the kissed

mouth's mind. The news
I'm leaving, you decide

what kind, what for,
assign the qualifier:

pretty, very, no.
You never had it so.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It starts out as a list of ways that the word "good" can be used. A B grade means "good", commodities are goods, the food is still good enough to eat, good is the opposite of evil, but also, the devil was once an angel.

Then it starts getting personal. You kissed me, the kiss was just okay. I am leaving you, probably because you don't appreciate me or turn me on. What do you think of that? Pretty good? Very good? No good? The answer is you never had it so good. And you will miss me.

But all that is very prosaic. The poem said it better.